IMG_3164rs_color Photo of painting by Chris Vaisvil

Audio Player

Still Life in 106 Notes Per Octave is inspired by Dolores Catherino’s videos of her “laboratory” which contains a multitude of alternate controllers and features “polychromatic music” in this tuning which has ~11 cent steps – 11 cents is about 2 to 3 times the average limit of perception of a change in pitch. This improvisation was performed on a Linnstrument.


7 responses to “Still Life in 106 Notes Per Octave”

  1. Here is the video sync’d to an excerpt of the piece:

  2. Hi Michael, yes you have my permission to use this in your video with an acknowledgment or link back. Please post a link when you are done because I’d love to see your video which sounds cool. There is a download link on the blog post – the name of the piece at the start of the text body.

  3. Really nice! I was looking for about a minute of audio to mate to a minute a slow-mo video of our dog playing in the first snow of 2016. This works perfectly! Any chance I could get a link to the audio and permission to thereby create a derivative work? Happy to provide attribution. The video is definitely NC (no YouTube ads).

    Whether you reply in the affirmative or the negative, keep up the great work! I enjoy following you on G+.

  4. I used my Linnstrument this time – I should have noted that. My apologies for neglecting that. Corrected!

  5. What instrument do you use for these improvisations?

  6. Hi b0b, thank you for your kind words! Since this is an improvisation the performance relied a lot on listening and adjusting the notes I played. Also I forgot to arm my track the first time so this was a second improvisation. Typically I record the first improvisation. That being said I went into the recording you hear here with some idea of fingerings that worked. The rest is a matter of my personal taste I suppose. Thank for your comment and I hope I answered your question a bit.

  7. That’s really beautiful, Chris. How do you create music like this?

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