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In Memoriam of Cambrian Cnidaria is a fretless guitar solo with effects using ebow and finger picking.

Please see the comments for a clarification – I used a non-representative photo that I took at a museum and actually depicted a stalked echinoderm (Echinodermata), not a Cnidarian.


2 responses to “In Memoriam of Cambrian Cnidaria”

  1. Hi Jarek,

    Thank you very much for the clarification, it is much appreciated. And also, thank you very much for the the nice comment about the accompanying music. I am glad you enjoyed it and it is nice to hear! I don’t think that I will change the picture at this point – however your comment will be with the post (like this reply) to explain my error. My main motivation to use this picture is that I took the picture and therefore didn’t infringe on anyone’s copyright. It seems I made some bad assumptions when I researched my title. My normal practice is to name a piece after it is completed and do try to be accurate when invoking subjects like this.

  2. Your music is great…! I think I can imagine/see the expanding tentacles of these Cambrian invertebrates. My suggestion is to change the picture: the one that is showed presents stalked echinoderm (Echinodermata). Best,

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