~Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. 12 edo ambient composition electronic ensemble Harmonic Series - un-octave-reduced Music simultaneous tunings tuning unconstrained unknown

Under the Ice of Europa

Be patient – the large mp3 may take a while to start streaming.

Under the Ice of Europa is an ambient piece for only the most dedicated. It has a run time of 42 minutes and should be listened to at a very loud volume to get the full effect. The initial sound sources were 5 instances of EFM Synthia 2 (EMI Synthi emulator) 1 instance of Altair 4 and 1 instance of Albino. There was a lot of work done in the sound design of synthi patches and arpeggiation was applied to all tracks. Then, yes I ran it through PES, but not with default settings. I used three instances, two of which were through the harmonic filter with 21 harmonics at a just fifth and the three outputs mixed together. Its a pretty complex mixture that is constantly changing. However, I realize 42 minutes of anything is a difficult hand, so my hat is off to you if you decide to try it and actually make it all the way through.