~Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. 17 edo Aeolian Harp aleatoric ambient composition DIY microtonal Musical Technique performance re-composition

Aeolian Edit 2 (17 edo)

aeolian_edit_2 Click graphic to see the tuning and “score” in the melodyne screen capture.

Aeolian Edit 2 is an experiment with manipulation of an electric aeolian harp sample which I added counterpoint and retuned to 17 edo (equal division of the octave). Since the electric aeolian harp yields only harmonics what has been manipulated are the pitch values that the melodyne detection routine decided were root pitches and *not* harmonics. By retuning to 17 I have recomposed the original content into something other than a pure harmonic relationship. My apologies for the large volume changes – in this case I’d rather have close to a constant loudness but do not have that worked out yet.