~Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. ambient DIY Just Intonation (general) Music performance psaltery psaltery video

At the River (DIY Psaltery)

audio only below

At The River The psaltery appears at the end of the video.

Melodyne analysis
Melodyne analysis
The tuning in cents per melodyne single track 

Interval class, Number of incidences, Size:
  1:   1 166.000 cents
  1:   1 186.000 cents
  1:   1 200.000 cents
  1:   1 320.000 cents
  2:   1 352.000 cents
  2:   1 386.000 cents
  2:   1 486.000 cents
  2:   1 520.000 cents
  3:   1 552.000 cents
  3:   1 672.000 cents
  3:   1 686.000 cents
  3:   1 706.000 cents
Highest number of different intervals for one interval class: 4
Average number of different intervals per interval class: 4.00000 = 4